There was time when you could tell a kid, when it spots a cat around, “Look there. It’s a pussy cat.” Now I squirm feeling uncomfortable when a just 4-year old niece points out a pussy cat to me.
Or when going through her ABC book teaching her, I feel awkward as I have to point to a bird called cock that I introduce as “C for ummm… Hey look its Mr. Hen.”
As a kid I was really happy and gay. Now I have to say I am only happy. Because through last decade the Americans conveniently stole words from my lexicon and gave them meanings which made sure I can’t use them like I once used to.
Now it is difficult to find a player saying, “I like playing with the ball” even if he was just stating the obvious.
A screw helps you bond two things….like wooden planks, or any material for that matter. However if, next Thursday, a girl shouts in Material Testing lab “I want a screw” I know exactly the kind of looks she would get then.
I wonder if an embroidery shop owner will now say that people pay more for a hand job than a machine job with same old ease.
There is this company called Tantra which make T-shirts. They banked on one such lost word to in a successful ad campaign that said-“Rajasthan-A great place for a good hump!”
However, when people say “I can make out”, they may just be referring to their ability to tell one thing from another.
Similarly, “My wife always comes before me” could simply mean the wife comes before the husband does from their respective offices.
P.S.- Talking of double entendre,
I have many favorites like this bar joke. ‘A woman walked into a bar and asked the bartender for a Double Entendre. So he gave it to her.’ :D
One I found outside Mulund station ‘Come to us for unwanted pregnancies’
One I read somewhere ‘Astronaut takes blame for gas in space’ ahh there are many..
P.S.- Why this post? Well it is for someone who is beaten at something but still smiling now. :P
Godly Bhojane!
layyy bhaaariiiiiii!!!! :D
@Tarique- you know me :P
@chinmay- hehe... thanks :)
kuch be, sahi hai .. :)
@berelia- aapki kripa hain sirjee.. :P
@rohit- thanks :D ... and write a post... bas 3 blogs tayaar karun thevalet :x
huhaa !
had a ball reading this !
waah bhojane!
geez ones
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